Hiking in Switzerland

The first thing that struck me was that it isn't far at all from Zurich to hiking trails--we walked from the pension. Next was my amazement that there were two trail systems, one for we hikers and one for mountain bikes. Let's say we traced an S curve--one long curve east-to-west and another in the opposite direction. Within each of these curves would be three steeply banked curves for the mountain bikers. Trust the Swiss to engineer something like that. We enjoyed watching the cyclists navigate the course. One of our teachers told us the bike run is used by bobsleds in the winter. Incredible.
I took this on the way up.

The next thing that struck me was how civilised it is to hike in Swiss Mountains. There was a hotel at the top of the first mountain and a cafe at the top of the second, where we stopped for a lovely lunch.

One more:
