Highs and lows

So the lows would be Mon-Fri and the highs weekends. That is why I don't blog much anymore. Work has become really stressful and I don't care to write about it. Nothing lethal, just the trials of learning a lot of new tricks at my age.

So, this weekend. Friday night, Oct. 25, I went to see Playboy of the Western World. I studied Irish plays in university and always enjoy a production by one of the biggies, like JM Synge. From this side of life, I see the story as being the perennial problem of relationships--a woman falling for a man who has broadcast a version of himself that is pretty far removed from the truth. Once she discovers his lies, her heart is broken.

Saturday I went to see a troupe of dancers performing something called jump style. It's kind of like hip hop married to techno. The dancers find each other on Youtube. They were from France, Russia, Poland, Canada. It was high energy stuff.

Sunday Paddy and I went on a hike with my old hiking group. The flaw in this plan was that all dogs had to be leashed, which I knew ahead of time. I didn't appreciate that Paddy could pull like a draft horse for 6.5 miles.

It was a lovely hike and, as always, a friendly bunch of people. But I was thoroughly knackered by the end. On a bridge looking one way.  

And then the other.

We stopped for lunch next to a church.

There was a bit of rain at lunchtime and a rainbow. I didn't pack enough food to eat and stopped at a convenience store on the way. They didn't have any vegetarian sandwiches so I bought candy bars.

By the end of the day, my legs were shaking from bracing against my hound's pulling and all the sugar made me feel not great. But it was fantastic to get out in the beautiful countryside. The hike was at Roe Valley Park near Limavady. I hadn't been before and it was lovely.

One final.

Oct. 25-27