
Six posts in one!
Friday's highlight was talking to Mary Minette of Mercy Investments about their climate strategy for 2018 AGMs and having a G&T at the golf club after a round of golf. Here’s the view:

I’ve had beautiful weather every time I play--I’m so lucky.

Saturday’s highlight, lunch with Rick and Ann, our neighbours in Crawfordsburn whom mom and I visited in Florida (they split their time between two countries). Sunday’s highlight was going to hear music at the Open House Festival in Bangor. I went to a vintage car show and flea market by the marina, which looks like so:

David and I once considered buying a house on the far side of the marina. I’m glad we didn’t as Bangor is a long shot from Belfast.

Monday’s highlight was swing dancing at BrewBot, a Belfast pub. The lindy hop lesson was really difficult. I couldn’t get all the steps. But if I keep at it, I hope I pick up a little bit here, a little bit there, and am better at recognising patterns when I dance with a good lead.

Tuesday's highlight was developing a letter to Vanguard’s new leadership team about the opportunity for Vanguard to become a leader on addressing climate risk faced by investors.

Wednesday’s highlight was talking to a consultancy in Atlanta that has developed an algorithm that helps utilities transition to low carbon by projecting the future cost of their fossil fuel dependency.

Thursday’s highlight was a massage. My left rotator cuff is angry with me and I’m trying to get it to chill out. I also visited Garvin, a friend of mine who just underwent his second heart operation. The difficulties and delays he’s had in dealing with the NHS is a bit scary. His first surgery was not successful and it took him about four months to convince his doctors that he was no better, all while fighting social services, which didn’t want to cover his expenses while in a nursing home. Once the doctor did an angiogram and found that, indeed, the stents were blocked, they told him he should be on standby for emergency surgery. Imagine being on standby for heart surgery for three months, all while being hectored by social services for being a malingerer? I’d probably just die from the stress. Luckily for Garvin, he’s a very positive person and is very grateful for everything that has been done for him.
Aug. 12-17