Hidden Figures

We began today by power shopping at a craft market. I got gifts for my friends back in Ireland. Then lunch with cousin Susan and Uncle George. Then we headed for the beach north of the inlet.

It was HOT. I think I heard that it was in the mid 70s, but it felt like the 90s to me. This is why I live in Ireland. We had a lovely walk on the beach.

A woman from Montreal took our photo and told us the beach was so empty because it was cold (??!!:-0)

Then we went to see Hidden Figures, a fascinating film about three black women who were NASA mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists in the 1960s. It was an excellent film in every respect. And kind of an antidote to the “blacks are ruining everything” sentiment I’ve picked up since I’ve been here. When I was young, my grandmother believed the Puerto Ricans were ruining everything. And yet everything has continued on pretty much as before.