Helen’s Bay Organics

I played golf Thursday, Saturday and Sunday to get my game up to speed before going on a golfing weekend. Friday morning I went swimming at Helen's Bay with Ann (water temp. 57 degrees F), then we went to Helen's Bay Organics, where I bought a lot of beautiful veg. I had my friend Patricia over for dinner Friday night to help me eat some of said veg.

Weekend highlights were getting a lovely burgundy maple planted in a new section of garden I'm creating, and a hydrangea planted at the back of the garden where a bench will eventually go.

Tuesday I played in a weird competition where you could use only one golf club plus your putter (I got a 65 on 9 holes!!). It was very difficult. There was a dinner and prizegiving afterward, at which I was presented the McKee Cup, which is the singles cup awarded to the person who wins five brackets of match play. This is me with lady captain.

Wednesday I went with some friends to 10X9, which I haven't attended in forever. There were some very well told stories on the topic 'dark.' One was about a family who rented a car to go on holiday after their car broke down on the way out of town. They got lost and, late at night in the driving rain, they ended up on a jetty surrounded by water. It was very nearly a terrible tragedy, but the guy reversed the junker of a car off the jetty and all ended well. The way he told the tale about him and "the duchess" (his wife) was very funny.  

Work was really busy Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Meaning this guy is feeling a bit put out.

22-28 Sept