Heat wave

The temperature has been in the high 70s to low 80s for three days, making this an unusual heat wave. In the U.S., I wouldn't have blinked at 80 degrees but here it feels very hot--you quickly get accustomed to a more moderate climate. The air conditioning doesn't work in the car and I've traveled a lot this week so I've noticed the heat. However, I know what I'm missing in the states (not missing), so I am not too bothered by the heat. When I was in West Virginia in June, I had that experience of crossing a parking lot and feeling like I was being incinerated. I don't miss that at all.

We looked at a house today that we will be putting an offer on. It's in the same neighborhood as the one we saw Wednesday, but it has more charm and more potential.

I visited Lidl today, a grocery store that is the sister of Aldi. I'm a big Aldi fan, so this was a great discovery for me. It is on a scale I can deal with--I don't like football-field-sized stores and I don't need 500 choices for every item. So Lidl is my speed--and it's cheap!