Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today's my mom's birthday. I was thinking of her Sunday when I walked along the beach in Holywood. She'll be visiting this summer and this is one of many places I want to take her. Photos from David's phone:

She grew up in Atlantic City, N.J., where her father was Commissioner of Public Works, which put him in the Boardwalk Empire Era. I think she would love walking along the beach here.
The older I get, the more I seem to be morphing into her--facial expressions, moods, gestures, even clothes (although this picture certainly isn't representative).

I've been missing her as I try to fix up the house because she has such good taste. She's decorated so many houses through the years and made each one into a home. We moved around a lot during my childhood and I always admired her gift for creating bedrooms for my sister and I that were tailored to our personalities. Beth's were flowery and full of dolls. Mine had geometric patterns and horse statues. Beth's yellow and pink. Mine blue and red.

As I mentioned in my Sunday stroll report, there's a nice playground in Seahill. You can barely make out the ice cream van in the park.

And this is what the playground looks out on:
