Happy Birthday, Bobbi

When I moved to Pennsylvania in 1999, Bobbi, aka Roberta Lynn, was one of the first friends I made. This was at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, where she was an unofficial greeter. She used to stay with me once a week after working a night shift at a printing plant. I lived much closer to the plant than she did. We had a great time solving the problems of the world and enjoying a meal at Ruby Tuesday’s. During lonely stretches of my life, she has been a constant friend.

Today is her birthday and she has just undergone successful hip surgery, after months of being in pain. A pretty good present, a new hip. I know she reads this blog--for all I know she’s the only person reading the blog--so Happy Birthday old friend!

If I look long enough, I could find a photo of us on one of my camera cards, however I’m, as usual, on a deadline. Scrolling through a card I found this photo of a garden ornament and chime she gave me:

This is my springhouse garden--the hooped stone springhouse is at the back of the garden. The ornament is now in her garden, which makes me smile to think of. When I left Pennsylvania, I sold her my Subaru, pictured here during my last winter in PA:

I spent a few days digging a parking space out for the car and a few yards to connect me to the lower part of the driveway, which had been ploughed. Can I just say how much I don’t miss that house? It was so much work. My life was mowing, weeding, raking, shovelling snow, and commuting to a job I had no energy for.