Happy Birthday Betty!

Today's my mom's birthday. I celebrated it by spending some time looking at summer vacation options yesterday for mom and I. As usual, I was quickly overwhelmed by the choices. I think I will employ a travel agent to help me with logistics--not my forte. I'm looking at whether we could do a cruise instead of touring Ireland. I talked to my friend Jane yesterday and she said travel agents can get you a better deal than you see advertised online. I sent mom details of two cruises on the Seine and the Danube. I also sent some flowers:

While I was at it, I booked a holiday for my birthday next month. I'm going hiking in Wales! I booked in with a group a friend recommended. They have tours all over the UK and Europe so I hope this is one of many adventures. Next decision: ferry from Dublin to Holyhead or flight from Belfast to Liverpool? Extend my three-night vacation by one night? Two? It has taken me years to organise a holiday for myself so I may as well make the most of it. But I really don't enjoy lining up all the details. The National Trust property where I'm staying has no room on the subsequent nights so I have to find somewhere else. Sigh.

My other big accomplishment was cooking, something I rarely make time for, other than Hello Fresh. I made three recipes off a Facebook vegan page. One involved asparagus, chickpeas, and potatoes with a vinaigrette dressing. One was cauliflower with Indian spices dipped in a cheese sauce (I cheated and bought a jar of nacho cheese instead of making vegan cheese sauce). And the third was paella with artichokes, green beans, and peppers. All made with a puppy bouncing up and down above counter level. Tricky.

March 24