
We had a lovely visit (tea and scones) with Ann and Rick, our former neighbours in Crawfordsburn, with whom we stayed when we were in Naples, Fla.--their half-year home. In the afternoon we saw the movie Hampstead with Diane Keaton, which I really enjoyed. I thought the dialogue was well written, which isn’t something I usually say about a film. And I love Brendan Gleeson.

We saw the film at Queen’s Film Theatre. Luckily a graduation was on at Queen’s, so mom got to see some of the pomp and circumstance she missed when I graduated. We spent the evening with Alec and Louise, neighbours up the street. Alec shared stories of his summers working in Atlantic City, where mom is from. They have a dog named Maysie and I had a wonderful time playing with her while we chatted. I still miss our Maydog.