
So tonight I did get a ticket. 100 pounds for a seat in the Royal Circle. Two German sisters sold the ticket belonging to one of their husbands, who decided to go to the pub with his son instead. I wasn't one of the first four people in line, despite being there two hours early, so I didn't get a producer ticket, but I was told mine was of the same quality and same price.

I enjoyed the show but I don't know that it lived up to the hype around it in America. Yes, it's original and creative and funny. But I enjoyed the story and songs of Wicked and Les Mis more. I think it's because they both have strong female characters and lyrics that portray the women sympathetically. I think I found the Hamilton wives' songs annoying. Apparently they were inspired by Beyonce and Brandi and Monica, according to a video I watched. The flavour was too pop for me. And I didn't really like their voices. And of course the entire theme is the rivalry between two men, including three pistol-at-dawn duels. So men being men. We get plenty of that every day. The funniest part for me was King George III. A sample lyric: "When push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family, to remind you of my love". Of all the characters, he seemed to own the role with the most gusto.

In short, very entertaining. I'm glad I went. And I'm glad I paid 100 pounds and not the silly money people in the states pay.

March 20