Happy to be home. But first I had to get here.

Thursday I had researched two things:

  1. How to avoid paying Hertz $77 in fees plus any tolls. My research showed I had a $2.70 toll southbound (which I wasn't aware of, toll gates have become inconspicuous!) but I could avoid it northbound, which is what I did. The PA Tpk said I could open a 'toll by plate' account online and pay the toll – if I could get Hertz to send me the invoice generated by PA Tpk (and sent to Hertz, owner of the car).
  2. What would American Airlines charge me for my bag, which is larger than their allowance? I had booked with British Airlines, which has a more generous allowance, and didn't realise I was flying back with a different carrier. I called American Airlines and a recording told me I would have to pay $50 to talk to someone, since I didn't book with them. And I would have to wait 30 minutes. Then I called British Airlines, and they couldn't tell me what I would have to pay (but they answered!). I find all of this stuff terribly stressful.

Friday I drive 2.5 hours to Pittsburgh, avoiding the toll, and ask the person at Hertz processing my car about paying for the southbound toll. She said they just charge a $5 fee on top of the toll. No biggie. I asked about the $11/day fee the desk agent told me I would have to pay. "Oh she was just selling you a commission product." THANKS! Just what a weary traveller needs.

At the American check-in desk, the agent did some research and found it would cost $75 to check my bag. She advised me to check it at the gate for free – she said they wouldn't check the dimensions. So that is what I did. At the gate they said my flight would be an hour late. Then two hours late – meaning a missed connection in Charlotte. I waited two hours in line to rebook on a direct British Air flight to London that was to leave at 9:45 pm. I go to the gate for that flight and learn it is leaving at 11:30 pm, meaning I will miss the London-Belfast flight, which will cost $288 to rebook. I go back to the original American Air gate and ask about getting on an earlier flight to Dublin. No can do since Heathrow was my original destination. But a very helpful guy rebooked my 10 am Belfast flight for 1:30 pm at no charge, even though it wasn't part of my original LON-PIT booking. So at midnight I flew from Pittsburgh to London with just enough time to get the Belfast flight. Amazingly, my bag showed up in Belfast. Unexpected as it had already been sent down for loading on my original flight to Charlotte.

It is hard to convey my happiness at being home safely with Paddy, my boon companion. No ER visits. And a big step forward on the house project.

22-23 Sept