This is Happy to be Home, part 2. September was part 1.

Mom's neighbours, the Moores, drove me to Columbus Thursday morning, then a flight to Newark, then another to Dublin. Flight two was delayed so missed the bus I booked to Belfast. So booked another, then booked a taxi and was home by 11 am-ish on Friday. A little over 18 hours of travel. Did a bit of unpacking and de-Christmasing before an early night and a glorious 10 hours of deep sleep in my bed. Mom's persistent cough meant not a lot of sleep in West Virginia.

Today, Saturday, has been very social, walking Paddy with the Park Run group, then the driving range with Patricia. I have been hoovering up pine needles all afternoon then visited Horner's Farm, where a flock of sheep was hanging out in the farm yard. When I parked in the farmyard Paddy barked at the sheep. I told him that was Not On, and he didn't bark again. What an amazing creature. I got my two bags of fresh veg then took Paddy for a lap of a nearby park.

4-6 Jan. 2024