Grey hair

This afternoon I had to take a Greyhound bus from the Port Authority to Atlantic City. I spent the morning on things like who will get me from A to B, and from B to C, and C to D while I’m in Paoli. Lucky for me I have a lot of great friends at Vanguard.

The Greyhound bus was a disaster. My e-ticket wouldn’t load (no signal). By the time I got a printed ticket, I missed the bus (I was in line but the line was longer than the bus capacity). I caught another bus about 45 minutes later, but the whole experience was just a pain. How can you have a ticket for the 4pm bus, have checked in online two hours in advance as required, and not get on? They oversell the buses. So your 4 pm ticket doesn’t mean anything unless you queue up at least a half hour in advance. I would have made it if my phone had a signal. Sigh.

After lunch yesterday, I walked around Ground Zero. I was taken by the Oculus, the entrance to the Path Station. I was under it, behind it and inside it.
