5 & Dime

Today started with Carlos and I walking through Prospect Park, which is on their doorstep in Brooklyn.

This arch is dedicated to the defenders of the Union. It reminds me of something you’d see in Russia or Paris. Here’s a picture from the park. It’s odd to be in such a big park in such a big city.

We went into the city to have lunch with Joe, whose architectural firm is based in the Woolworth Building, which has one of the most fabulous lobbies in New York. This photo doesn’t do it justice. I’m having a hard time finding downloadable photos.

By PAT M IN NYC (Wikis Take Manhattan 2009 participant) - Uploaded from Wikis Take Manhattan 2009, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=12133277

It struck me that Woolworth’s was the Walmart of its day and created incredible wealth for its owners. But I don’t think it matched Walmart for immiserating its employees and supply chain workers.

Tonight I had dinner with my handsome and incredibly nice nephew Meade and his girlfriend Erin. Two young, happy, in love people enjoying life in the big city. It’s so lovely to find them enjoying their lives so much. At that age, you want to find life as a big adventure and it’s easier if you have a happy companion.
