Graham and Liza

Last Saturday I drove to Derry, listening to BBC Radio 2 in both directions. Graham Norton kept me company in the morning and Liza Tarbuck in the evening. I find them both so enjoyable that I didn't want to get out of the car. They both have a great sense of humour and are quick witted and their listeners, who call in or write in, are also very entertaining. Part of the gag of Liza's Saturday evening show is people tell her what they are having for tea. Liza's comedy chops are so serious that she makes this very funny. It's hard to explain. She loves dogs and has a squeaky toy that she squeezes and calls out dogs names when their owners write in. She also puts out topics and has her listeners share their stories--mishaps with dentures, dreams involving celebrities, inappropriate animal behaviour, and stories about mohos (motor homes). My only complaint about the BBC is it gives me a picture of Britain that is very much at odds with Brexit Britain.

Graham has a naughty sense of humour and can be a bit catty. His Agony Aunt sessions are often very funny. He doesn't mince words.

I had today off and I'm darned if I remember what I did. I think there was a respectable amount of cleaning house and some dog walking.

March 22