Many of my friends in America worked the polls yesterday. Sounds like turnout was HUUUGE, as the orange one says. Looks like Dems kicked butt in the house, but the senate--the House of Fraser of US politics--remains in the GOP’s grip. I hope the new women of Congress are able to make Trump’s life miserable--as he has done for immigrants, Puerto Ricans, subcontractors, lessees, women, anyone over whom he has been able to exert power. Like a lot of people, I am hungry for a karmic kick in the ass of epic proportions.

I try to get out each day to maintain my sanity--I need a puppy break. Monday I went to a very good swing dance lesson, first having dinner with Maria and Rhoda. Today I went to the Ross Auction preview, where I saw a few table candidates for the living room. Then I went to a church that was converted into an interior decor store. It was culture shock going from Ross’s antiques to the ultramodern showroom (in a very old church). I find modernist styles rather cold but I loved every wallpaper in the store. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. Next I went to an art gallery, Gormley’s, which was showing a wonderful Dublin artist, Eileen Meagher. She does beautiful, and pricey, landscapes. Speaking of pricey, there was a Banksy canvas for 48,000 pounds. Putting that on my Christmas list. And a Damien Hirst for 14,000 pounds.
Nov. 7