Goofing around

During lockdown, Shandon Park Golf Club very generously opened to dog walkers. Paddy was in 18 holes of squirrel chasing heaven. In early June, it reopened to golfers and closed to all but the earliest and latest dog walkers.

So I joined the club. I've played 3 times so far. Not with any distinction I can tell you. But I've met: Chris, Barb and Patricia on my first outing. A rather taciturn married couple on my second outing, and the lovely Frances and Michelle on outing three. I've had one lesson and plan to get back for two more with the pro. I'm convinced I could be decent at golf but I just have to find the time. Working full time, a very active dog to keep exercised, a garden that needs watered constantly (it's been a very dry spring), a house that needs cleaning, the need to be social occasionally... time is tight. Many of the other women are retired and play three or four times a week, giving them a leg up.

Bottom line though is I just enjoy getting outside for a few hours and having a go. It's a wonderful antidote to working in my little home office.

Mid June