Golfing in the Rain

Yesterday morning I walked Paddy with a group of neighbourhood dogs and their humans at Stormont during the weekly Park Run. Afterward, we went to Castlereagh Hills Golf Club for a coffee. It was sunny and the golf course was packed--no parking spaces left. This inspired me to invite Marian to play golf today. So we did, with two other neighbours. Today was rainy, windy, cool--but undetered, we played 16 holes. My intent was to play 9 holes but I was with hardier souls than myself. The rain picked up on the last two holes so we didn't finish the 18. The last time I played the front 9 there I lost so many balls I lost count. Today I didn't lose any. I didn't play brilliantly but also not terribly for not having played since October.

The problem with playing 16 holes of golf (after having taken your dog for a long walk) is that it severely reduces my weekend productivity. Because I mostly spend my weeks walking the dog and working, I kind of need to get things done on the weekend. Well, not this weekend.

Feb. 3