Golf with the Girls

I played nine holes today with two woman who each have three children. And that is all they talked about. As we walked up each fairway, they compared notes on where their kids went to school (undergrad and grad) and where they go on vacations, etc. while I kept my eye on the ball, so to speak. I’m not one of these women who regret not having children. I just think it’s a bit rude when two people hive off into their conversation corner and leave the odd woman out. If I shared an interest in gardening with one woman and the third woman had no interest, I wouldn’t have pursued the topic for more than two hours. But that’s just me. My sister thinks I’m selfish because I’m not focused on her kids. I have a friend who has kids who says having kids is the most selfish act of all--wanting to replicate yourself (“mini me”). I think people have kids for all kinds of reasons. And people don’t have kids for all kinds of reasons. And I’ve strayed far from the topic of golf. I played better today than last week, so it was a good day on the golf course.