Glenderaterra Valley

Whenever I look at Derwent Water, I think of Yeats' poem about low sounds lapping by the shore.

Anyway, today I did the medium walk, 10.5 miles. "Walk from the village of Threlkeld into the lonely valley of Glenderaterra Beck (sic). We follow a terraced path high above the valley and take in the stunning viewpoint of Latrigg on our return via Keswick."

We went up a steep bit to begin with, passing this lovely barn.          

Lots of gates, a few streams. Here's a stile with a gate – I'm not used to seeing both.

We walk along a trail that a fellow hiker calls a balcony trail, given the view it affords.

Here I'm wearing a t-shirt from Montana, the first place I backpacked.

Here we are entering the Glenderaterra valley.

Here we are closer to the top of the valley.

Same. We crossed a stream and came down the other side of the valley.

I should say the Lake District is notorious for constant rain. This is my second day of beautiful weather. Below we are descending to Keswick. From there another 1.5 miles to the house. I'm never a happy bunny on the final miles as my legs are dead and various parts of me hurt. But a small price to pay for access to the beautiful fells.

July 9