Glad and Sad

That is a gotcha headline. Here is glad:

Here is sad:

Not much news to report. Three new tires on the car, 300 pounds. Rabies vaccine for Paddy and pet passport, 95 pounds.

Saturday (4 Sept) I polished the brass on the front door, did laundry, ironed the top sheet for mom's bed, made the bed with fresh linens, dusted and vacuumed the guest room, painted a fence, transplanted something that had outgrown a pot, put a mini fence around the crocosmia to prevent it from crowding the irises, moved the bird feeder pole, cleaned two birdfeeders, sorted a lot of packaging for recycling.  

Sunday I played golf with the Ballyhackamore Golf Society, our second outing in two months. First was at Spa Golf Club, second at Rockmount. I won closest to the pin at Spa and longest drive at Rockmount. Despite that, I haven't been playing well, i.e. my overall scores are not great. My time and focus lately have been getting the house ready for company, not going to the golf course to practice.

5  Sept