
Today I took a golf lesson at Belvoir Golf Club, where one of my choir mates was Lady Captain last year. The pro was probably in his late 30s. The students were all women in their 50s and 60s. He called us all “girls.” That really annoys me. I mentioned it to my friend--a nationally ranked golfer--and she said we’re lucky he calls us girls.

I disagree. I think it infantilises women. I just do. When I swim, I’m often in a lane with two men. I’m faster than both of them. They never wait at the wall to let me pass--good pool etiquette--so I have to pass swimmer A when swimmer B is out of the way. This is tricky and I do it about four times in the half hour that I swim. I notice Swimmer A always speeds up when I’m passing him.

For a man to get “beaten by a girl” is an insult to his manhood. Right? Wouldn’t one man tease another about letting a “girl” beat him? Language is important and I think men clinging to the use of “girl” is purely out of insecurity and an inability to R-E-S-P-E-C-T women.

Rant over.

Tonight I went swing dancing. I’ve taken maybe six lessons at this point so I figured I was ready for the monthly Saturday social. Not really. It’s a lot easier when the teacher is breaking everything down and teaching you what to do, step by step. Free form swing dance requires you to be a better follower than I am at this point. I did more sitting around and talking than dancing, which is fine because at the lessons you don’t really get to chat much. I met two lovely women whom I hope to see at lessons in the future. It’s a lot easier to go to these things when you see a few friendly faces. Not that everyone isn’t friendly, but it’s much better to know a few people.