Preparing for and giving a speech, even a short speech, left me feeling absolutely knackered today (plus finishing Marek’s paper on Tuesday). I had two files due for T. Rowe Price today and left it until late in the day because my resistance was High.
GICS, the classification system for stocks, has changed, so a lot of companies that had been information technology or consumer durable stocks are suddenly communications services (formerly telecommunications services). This affects popular holdings like: Facebook, Netflix, Google parent Alphabet, Twitter, News Corp, Alibaba Group, and Tencent. Some of the data inputs I use list these stocks in their old sector, some in their new sector. In addition, the benchmark for most of my funds changed. So I am making more errors than usual, which stresses me out.
I made my first appearance in a long time at swing dance tonight. We learned a spinning Charleston step that was exhausting. I think our new 20-something teachers maybe don’t understand the physical limits of some of their mature students. The good news is, when you are trying to learn a series of dance steps, there is no room in your head for attribution analysis and relative performance measures. I realised that once during the lesson and almost giggled with relief.