Getting out

Now that school and the thesis are over, I have to make an effort to get out of the house. Spending a year in the ivory tower didn't do wonders for my social life, so I have to figure out how to get out and meet people. My primary responsibilities this week were writing quarterly performance commentaries and beginning a job search. Both of which are lonely pursuits.

As a counterweight, I went to fitness classes on Tuesday and Wednesday with my neighbour Faye, Thursday I went to a film with David (a documentary about Irish people who are more than 100 years old), and Friday I volunteered at an agency that helps refugees and asylum seekers. I did data entry and was fascinated to see that people landing in Ulster hail from: Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Albania, Palestine, Pakistan, etc.

Today I also went for a long walk along Belfast Lough, starting in Carnalea and heading east to Bangor. Here is the Carnalea golf course:

See if you can see the small castle on the last point before Bangor.
