Get into the Groove

In the 1980s and 1990s, I would have spent a fair amount of time in dance clubs. Madonna’s Into the Groove (Extended Party Mix) was one of my favs. Last night I went to hear a funk band, Manukahunney, in Belfast, which did a great job of covering a lot of the funky soul greats. The dance floor was comprised almost entirely of women in their 30s and 40s, I’m guessing. I tried to get up and get into the groove but I just wasn’t feeling it. Is it possible, at the ripe age of 53 (almost 54) that I’ve lost my groove? I was with a Meet Up group of maybe 10 people, none of whom were inhibited about getting up and doing their thing, mostly dancing in groups of three or four. I couldn’t tell if the problem was that I was feeling self conscious (I was driving, so I couldn’t use alcohol as the great social enabler that it is), or was it that I just don’t remember any moves? Either way, it was sad. I’d hate to think I can no longer connect to music in a physical way. I’ll have to have a few living room sessions and see if I can get my groove back.

So we walked Maysie at Belvoir Forest (pronounced Beaver for some strange reason) on the other side of the Lagan from the towpath I cycled a few weeks ago:

Then we saw a cormorant and some ducks:

One more:
