Gee but it’s great to be back home

As Simon and Garfunkel sang.

It really is though. I wasn't sure about this trip because I was very afraid of exposing mom to the virus. I read a lot of things and talked to a lot of people who made me think traveling would be safe. However, there was the coughing guy on the bus. No temperatures taken prior to either flight. No track and trace. I thought the trip could have been a lot safer.

But two weeks went by in the states without me getting sick. So mom and I let the mask slip, so to speak, and began eating in the same room.  (I'm writing on Jan. 1 and we're still fine). Here's mom in front of her house--always lovely at Christmas.

Mom is wearing one of her lovely Betty originals--an Icelandic sweater.

We're having a lovely time of it. Lots of shopping, cooking, cleaning, watching TV. I'm so glad I made it home and we are both healthy. It really is a special Christmas.

Mom has a collection of handmade santas.

In case it isn't clear, mom loves Christmas. Here's her mantle, complete with nutcrackers wearing green masks.

And here we are with the Christmas tree.

Late December