FWP Part 2

Totally into the acronyms. This is First World Problem, Part 2. Part 1 told the sad tale of us picking a tweed-covered sofa that was difficult to match with chairs/wall colour/rug in the palette I was going for. I was going to change to Moon's wool plaid for the chairs and figure out how to solve the Persian-rugs-no-longer-work issue. David came home from Sheffield and convinced me to stick with Laura Ashley's bold plan. Which wasn't a tough sell because that let me get a rug I fell for online, which I ordered yesterday. Here's hoping it's as lovely in person as in the 15 photos online.

In the meantime, we have painted the dark grey plaster walls and ceiling with two coats of diluted white paint then undiluted white paint--the recommended prep here. Here's how the living and dining rooms look now. The floor installer came by today and we scheduled installation for a week from tomorrow. So these two rooms will be transformed over the next week. All painting must be done before the floors come in. And I have two more papers due in that time. Wish me luck.

and dining room
