Full gallop

That's how it feels since I've been home. I got home Monday morning (10 Jan) after 20 hours of travel. The first 1.5 hours of the drive to DC was in and out of heavy fog. Most of the next 3.5 hours was during heavy rain on roads coated with snow melt. Passing any truck (there were lots of trucks) meant keeping my cool as I completely lost visibility during the few seconds when I was being hosed by backwash. I backed off quite a few times because it is hard to do 70 mph with no visibility. The trucks were meant to go only 45 but, nah.

Anyway, safely to DC and safely to Dublin and safely to my wee abode. I arrived at 9:30 am and worked until 4:30 pm. Luckily some tight deadlines so that kept me awake.

Tues, Weds, Thurs have been a mixture of catch up at work, taking down Christmas decorations, and unpacking. Also some cleaning. More of each of these still to come. Also lots of doting on wee Paddy.  

I had a very pleasant evening on Tuesday, when I finally had a chance to open Christmas presents and cards that arrived before I left for the US.

When I was in the US, I had lengthy chats on the phone with Catherine, Emily, Julianna, Marta, Emma, Lola, Judy, Kyle, Joe and Dara. I'm not great at keeping in touch with old friends when I'm in the UK b/c the 5 hour time difference means I am often too tired at night to call. Now that I'm back I have an equally long list of people to call in the UK. Eddis and Aelish down, many more to go. I'm looking forward to getting caught up with my buddies to hear how they saw in the new year and to get a date in the diary for a cup of tea.

10-13 Jan. 2022