Full day

Before catching the 1:30pm bus downtown, I went swimming, cleaned the house, planted three geraniums that have been sitting in the backyard for more than a week, did some writing and editing for Preventable Surprises, and edited an annual report for the refugee women’s integration project. Then I took the 2 pm bus from downtown to the airport. Then a 4 pm flight to London (the dreaded Ryanair). Then the Gatwick Express train to Victoria. Then a tube to Euston station. Where I went to the Quaker House, a massive property across from the station. The woman I stay with was at a Quaker service and she left the keys for me at reception. Here’s the schedule at Euston Station. Which represents nicely the difficulty I have navigating large cities (more on that later).

So I found my way back into the underground and found the right platform to catch the Northern train in the right direction, taking me to Kentish Town and a 15 minute walk to Carolyn's townhouse.

I knew today would be a long day and I didn’t sleep well last night. So I was completely knackered when I crawled under the duvet at Carolyn’s, very very grateful for my simple little room in her quiet basement apartment.