From gasworks to wind farms

More gasworks photos. I like this melding of old and new architecture.

The bridge is over the railroad tracks. I don’t know what the significance is of the metal sculpture on the bridge, but it’s cool. Funny what 60 seconds’ difference can make to the exposure.

Yesterday I attended a very informal talk about economics based on the question: Do we want a society or an economy? Is our role as human beings to be consumers and workers, or is there another purpose to our existence? Are our politics tethered to raising GDP and other econometrics, or should they aspire to more?

The talk wasn’t that well organised. The main takeaway for me was meeting a young entrepreneur who is establishing wind farm co-ops, letting people take control of energy provision in their communities. He asked me for a copy of my dissertation (which was on fossil fuel divestment)--that’s never happened before.

Today I ran errands, including going to three different grocery stores (Tesco for cleaning stuff, Lidl for various groceries, and Marks and Spencer’s for the "Two Dine for £20” special (appetiser, main and side, dessert, champagne). The crowds were so thick and the lines so long in M&S that I actually thought I was having an anxiety attack. If M&S were my only stop, I’d have been OK, but I’d been in and out of five crowded parking lots and had already been through two crowded check-out lines. If it weren’t our Valentine’s dinner, I would have walked out.