Friends forever

Our day started with a lovely breakfast at Beech Hill House (photo from internet below).

We went across the street to Ardmore Chapel, where we attended church for many years.

I was struggling to juggle a few schedules so I didn't do a good job with photos today. I picked up Mary in Drumahoe, who used to clean our house. I took mom and Mary to a hotel in Eglinton for lunch then I spent some time visiting Edgar Bigger, a teacher at Foyle College, where I went to high school. He lost his wife last year and I've been wanting to see how he is getting on. Then back to Eglinton then down the gorgeous Ardlough Road to see Mrs. Walker, my riding teacher when I first got to Ireland.

Brigid lost her husband, brother, and brother-in-law last year. Despite that, she is in good spirits and remains indomitable. She's all over Facebook, Instagram, Skype. Her three children live in England and she has eight grandchildren. She's a whiz at social media, which lets her keep up with everyone. Many of her grandchildren ride horses, which makes her very happy. She is surrounded by photos of her children, her horses, her grandchildren, and her dogs and she seems happy enough, although missing her Aubrey.
