Friendly Christmas

Christmas with friends is strange--none of the family traditions, which is good and bad. I usually spend Christmas with my mom but for the first time in 20 years she spent it at my sister’s. Which is nice for my nieces and nephews. I’m going to see mom later in January so we can go to Florida for a winter break with her friends.

I took Joe and Carlos for a long walk along the Coastal Path from Crawfordsburn to Carnalea. We then drove to Bangor where, lucky for us, the Salty Dog was open. We were all thirsty, so we enjoyed a pint while looking out at Bangor’s large marina. Then home, changed, then to David and Stuart’s for dinner.

LtoR David, Stuart, me, Carlos. Joe took the photo and David’s friend Muriel was nearby but not in the photo. I think it’s funny David and I both have our mouths open--not that we’re chatty or anything.
We had a lovely afternoon eating nonstop. David really outdid himself. Hearty hors d’oeuvres first, then beef roast, yorkshire pudding, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, carrots, and a cranberry/grain/root veg medley for me. Then a choice of three desserts (pavlova, trifle, Bakewell tart), then cheese and crackers, then Christmas cake. Like I say, David likes to cook. A bowl of fresh cream, a plate of small tarts and chocolate balls just in case you lacked for calories.
I think they enjoyed meeting Joe and Carlos. Stuart has a keen interest in American history and it’s great to learn from Joe about his experiences as an architect working on some of America’s landmarks. And he’s been in NY for decades, so he has lots of colourful stories to tell. And of course Carlos shares what it’s like to grow up in Brazil and then adapt to NYC. It was a fun and FILLING night.