
I spent the morning cleaning. After a week of sanding, there’s a layer of dark grit everywhere (you can see that the white stairs are brown). My niece and her friend arrive tonight, so I also needed to get the guest room spit spot.

I spent the afternoon walking with my friend Julie, who comes to town once/month for a yoga class. We walked along the Lagan Towpath, which is lovely this time of year.

Then I cleaned a bit more then went to the airport at 8 pm to collect Maisie and her friend Ella. Confusion ensued as she told me she was at the taxi stand and I told her I was at the taxi stand, but we didn’t see each other. This is when I asked: Which airport are you at? They were at international and I was at city. Nearly a half hour later, I collect them and drive them to Queen’s University to experience Queen’s Quarter on a Saturday night. They are here to check out the school as they will be selecting their universities this summer after doing A level exams.

I took them to the student centre, where we met a nice girl from England at reception. I took them to Elmwood Hall, where a series of bands were playing. We walked through the lovely Lanyon building, across the college green, and down to Botanic Avenue, where all the restaurants and coffee shops are. We had milkshakes, retraced our steps, and went home. I was very happy to crawl into my bed.