
One of the things I love about working from home is the freedom to structure my time as I wish. I went for a walk Wednesday with Jenny at Stormont. That was a good two hours out of the middle of the day. Here is one of many owls we passed on the walk.

Another day, I went into town to have lunch with one of my college professors. Because it was a Thursday, I went in an hour early to attend Ross Auctions, where I have my eye on a bookcase. The auction wasn't on this week so I had an hour to kill. I got to the restaurant at 12:30 and the prof didn't show, we got our wires crossed. I stayed and had lunch because I was starving. Then he asked if I could meet him for coffee at 2. Which I did.

I was stressed about how long I was in town on a work day but that was silly. I had a 9 pm meeting so I got my hours in for the day (9:30am-10:30 am and 3:30 pm - 10 pm.) If I were in an office, I'd be very worried about people noticing my absence but at home, this is my only witness.

Note that the monitor sits on the bottom half of a cat kennel. You would have thought that would have scared Isabelle away.

I cycled into town Thursday – 25 minutes each way. I drove by office buildings full of cubicles and just reminded myself what a blessing it is to not work an 8-hour day surrounded by fabric-covered dividers and watching eyes. I really should take heed of that every day.

Here's a photo of Stormont also from my walk with Jenny.

Feb. 4-7