Foyle flotilla part two

I’m continuing with yesterday’s photos...

The people on this boat paid 5,000 pounds for the pleasure of raising and lowering sails and being in close quarters with a dozen people all the way to Holland, the next stop on the clipper race.

I meanwhile made a contribution to gas money to sit on my butt and enjoy the view. And eat Hilda’s goat cheese and onion tarts. Loving life.

Here’s Ronnie’s boat tied up in Greencastle harbour. His 87-year-old grandmother climbed that ladder. She’s done yoga all her life and eats no processed foods. She’s also the one who was partying until 2 a.m. on this particular day, by which time I had been in a deep sleep.

Greencastle marina with Magilligan Point in the background.

As we neared Greencastle, the sails went up.

And they’re off.
