For a good cause...

Children In Need is a big annual national appeal, when a lot of creative fundraisers are held to provide funding for programs that serve children with special challenges (poverty, handicap, etc.). My favourite radio station had an auction today with a lot of enticing goodies. Tickets to Cold Play, for instance. Tickets to shows by big name comedians. Dinner with my favourite DJ (he’s probably in his 60s and plays country western music--most of his demographic would be elderly women). A cookbook signed by a Great British Bake-off contestant from Hollywood, just up the road from where I live.

Today I want to Tesco, a grocery store that is a good discounter but, unlike WalMart, has very good ethical sourcing policies. All of the employees were dressed in pyjamas as part of the fundraiser. I have to say there is something creepy about grown men in fuzzy onesies with cartoon characters on them. It had the desired effect--I put money in the bucket at the checkout counter.