Flying blind

I flew to London Gatwick on Wednesday morning, worked with Carolyn and Raj Wednesday afternoon, and spent Wednesday night with Carolyn at her home in Kentish Town.

Thursday I took the subway to Raj’s in Shoreditch. The plan was to first meet with a volunteer intern, Cristina, at a restaurant. Each of the trains that came into Kentish Town station was absolutely packed. Now late, I forced my way onto the fourth train. And I mean forced. Bodies just mushed together in between the doors. Remember that I have a cold. I think I was on for 10 stops and I thought I was going to faint.
I survived, got off at Old Street and came above ground to a roundabout surrounded by tall buildings. I basically had to go in a circle, going a bit up each intersecting road, trying to find the meeting place. Poor Cristina. I think I was 20 minutes late. I MUST learn to use google maps on my phone so I can find things faster.

Then to Raj’s. We worked for several hours then I took the subway from Old Street to Victoria Station, where I got a ticket for the train to Horley. I spent the night in Horley, near Gatwick, hoping to have dinner with a high school friend who lives nearby. I was too ill of course and went to bed instead at my AirBnB. Friday morning up and out and on the plane from Gatwick to Belfast. In Belfast, I took the shuttle bus to city centre, then the local bus to Gilnahirk then walked 10 minutes to my bed, where I stayed for three days. Traveling is brutal when you’re healthy--crowded low budget planes, crowded low budget airports crammed with people flying low budget airlines. When you’re sick, it’s just misery.