As I toured Parc Guell, the song in my head was Simon and Garfunkel:
“Architects may come and architects may go and never change your point of view. When I run dry, I'll stop a while and think of you.”
If Simon and Garfunkel were Spanish instead of New Yorkers, you have to wonder what their music would have sounded like.
I have a miniature copy of this in my office:

This is probably my favourite shot from the trip:

I’ve known Dara for nearly 30 years. She’s smart, passionate, funny, opinionated, generous, thoughtful, talented, persistent. She’s a university lecturer who gets standing ovations from her students. I disagree with her on a lot of things--I think of myself as pretty progressive, but compared to her I’m closer to a country club Republican. Of course, this makes for interesting conversations. And our friendship is such that, even if she is ferociously fighting her corner, I know she’s OK with me disagreeing with her. There is so much grace involved in disagreeing with someone about something you feel strongly about, yet not holding it against them. Maybe its part of her academic training, but I think she does that better than most. Here’s a poor picture of these two famous buildings.

And Dara walking through lavender.
