Florence part 2

The next three days I spent on my job search and running errands. So I’m going to stretch my Florence photos over three days. One last shot from the drive to Enniskillen.

Here’s Florence Court.

I arrived just in time to tour the house, which is lovely inside. The sixth earl donated the property to the National Trust in the mid-1950s, and lived there until the mid-1970s. He had never installed electricity--he was opposed to modernisation. The Trust installed electricity soon after taking possession. Within two years, there was an electrical fire that nearly destroyed the whole property. The earl was livid. The good news is the earl had no home insurance, whereas the Trust took out a policy as soon as it took control. The home has lavishly decorated plaster ceilings. A caretaker saved one of the ceilings by drilling four holes in it, allowing the water pouring onto the home to douse the flames to escape without collapsing the ceiling.

After the tour, I walked about six miles throughout the grounds. Here’s the pleasure garden with Cuilcach Mountain in the distance:

This rhododendron was so bright it almost glowed. See if you can see the haha in the background:
