
Like I say, I left my buddies off near Sligo, specifically in a graveyard. This particular graveyard holds the remains of W.B. Yeats. His gravestone is engraved with an excerpt from his poem: Under Ben Bulben. So here is his grave and a second shot with Ben Bulben in the distance.

If you can’t read it, it says: "On life, cast a cold eye. On death, horseman pass by." I last saw this grave when I was 18 and a priest took me out of his way to show it to me. No visitors’ centre or bus tours then.

Here are the three amigos.

I was sorry to see them go, however I set off on such a spectacular day that I was well compensated for my loss. I drove toward Enniskillen so I could take in Florence Court on the way home. Florence Court is named for Florence Bouchier, a beautiful woman from Cornwall who was the wife of the man who laid the foundation for Florence Court. His son was the first Earl of Enniskillen. We are now on the seventh earl.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The drive to Florence Court was stunning.

I liked this approach to the centenary of the Easter Rising:

And this little cottage:
