Five rounds in seven days

The match on Monday was carnage. Everything I thought I knew about golf, I forgot. It was unnerving to not be able to hit a tee shot – usually my best shot. I assume my nerves got the best of me, causing me to look to see where the ball was going – rookie mistake.

Didn't stop me from taking photos. There's a wee cottage on the course – how cute is that?

My partner played beautifully but the women from Ardglass were unbeatable on their home turf.

Their lead player had pars or birdies on every hole – hard to beat. We lost on the 12th hole – a rout.

Our other pairs didn't fare well, so we are out of the Revive competition. Ardglass advances to the next round instead of us. I give Karen credit, she was very patient with me and supportive during my meltdown. She's played 30 years to my four, so she has a bit more experience.

I was so unnerved by my performance that I withdrew from Tuesday's weekly competition at Shandon. Wednesday I played in a foursomes match and played pretty well. Maeve and I won the match on the 18th hole, so we advance to the next round in that match, which is internal to Shandon.

I took Thursday off then played by myself on Friday. Played decent golf – nothing like the Ardglass debacle. I also got my first hole in one.

It was very anti-climactic. I guess because it wasn't in a competition and I was playing alone, so no one to celebrate with. But still pretty cool.

Saturday I had a practice round with my partner in Sunday's Minor Foursomes match. Sunday we played against Temple and won on the 17th hole. I am officially exhausted. Match play is nerve-racking. At the end you just want to collapse.

3-9 June