Five film reviews in five sentences

I saw three films on my two cross-atlantic flights, one with my mom, and one tonight. I will dispense with them quickly:

{Flight to US}
Bridge of Spies: I love films that unearth a forgotten chapter in history, as this one does with a surprising amount of nuance--which country treated its Cold War spies better?

Driving Lessons: I will watch anything with Patricia Clarkson in it and I am never disappointed.

{With mom}
Joy: Joyless.

{Flight to Dublin}
L.A. Confidential: I loved everything about this film and saw brought to life the rottenness at the core of the L.A. police force in the 1950s that I researched in one of my courses at Queen’s.

{Seen tonight in Belfast}
The Danish Girl: I liked Eddie Redmayne in this less than I expected and I liked Alicia Vikander in this more than I expected, due both to the complexity of the character she played and how she portrayed Lily’s wife.