
I selected a fence paint brand that had lots of fun colour choices, and was warned off by a neighbour b/c it's water based and requires frequent repainting. At the hardware store, an employee swore by another brand--fewer colour choices but a five year guarantee on coverage. I get home and see that four coats of paint are required. !!!! Not happy about this as I have lots of other things to do.

Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of the whole fence, pre-painting. Here's a section with one coat of paint, top, and no paint, bottom.

Here's the whole fence with one coat, except the bottom left corner.

The fence has been sad looking for years, and for years I've ignored it. With mom coming, I am now more motivated to sort out this bit of deferred maintenance.

I am now finished. It took about 16 hours over three weeks. So very glad that is over. I will be very disappointed if it isn't in fine form after five years.

Early Sept.