Feel my pain

Here is the question I am currently trying to muster 4,500 words to answer:
"The enduring failure of States to agree on a common conceptual framework to develop the right to development has greatly affected the normative validity of the right."

I have 20 pages of notes on the readings assigned for the class and on my own readings. I've written a four-page index to the 20 pages of notes. Now I'm trying to sort the entries in the index ("dubious birth of rite" "r2d needed to realise UDHR" "dangerous to gives states rights claim") into categories, which SHOULD help me start writing.

In the meantime, I realised I don't know what "normative validity" means. Seems it's caught up in the debate between natural and positivist traditions in law (I didn't know what they were, either). This is from Stanford:

"A complete philosophical account of the normativity of law comprises both an explanatory and a normative-justificatory task. The explanatory task consists of an attempt to explain how legal norms can give rise to reasons for action, and what kinds of reasons are involved. The task of justification concerns the elucidation of the reasons people ought to have for acknowledging law's normative aspect. In other words, it is the attempt to explain the moral legitimacy of law."

I've read that paragraph over and over and I think I'm ready to start writing.