
I’m skipping back to photos from my hike. In the distance is Rathlin Island, a great place to see puffins, guillemots, fulmars and other seabirds.

I was trying to be clever here but I didn’t capture how far down the water entered this break in the cliff.

Whereas this one gives you some sense of the height.

I’m literally lying on my stomach and holding the camera out to take this photo.

My phone kept making noises as I was hiking. I pulled it out of my backpack and found my mother was trying to call me. I called her back on Skype and she wished me a happy birthday. I told her the story of the Mussendun Temple painting and of the beauty surrounding me, for instance these two highland lakes. It blows my mind that I can connect to the internet and make a call while in this remote part of County Antrim.
