EZ Veg

Our local grocers make it easy to be vegetarian. Marks & Spencers, Tesco, Lidl (Aldi's in the states) all have great vegetarian frozen items. My favorite is roasted beetroot and manchego pearl barley risotto bakes with beetroot and orange sauce and walnut pieces. There's also the aparagus and lemon hollandaise melts, which can't be very healthy, and the wonderfully hearty nut roast. I find if you eat at a proper restaurant, most offer a good veg option. If you want fast food or cheap food, not so much. I don't eat seafood so I get curry and chips when David gets fish and chips and I get tired of that pretty fast. Quorn is a meat substitute that's popular here and I've had some really good meals using it. The cheese here is very good, so that's always a good bet.

I've put on a lot of weight since school began because I'm not running or swimming or doing yoga or anything. What Britain does best is carbs and I loves my carbs: scones, wheaten bread, shortbreads, digestives, Cadbury's (which isn't a carb but has all the right letters). I'll soon be 53 and I think it will be a very steep climb back up fitness mountain. The "muscle" with the strongest resistance so far is the one between my ears. Once I finish the quarterly commentaries and have "only" Queen's and the house to worry about, I will try mightily to get into a fitness regimen. I find it scary being so out of shape because I feel vulnerable to injury, which is ironic because working out also causes its share of aches and pains. But not having muscle tone makes me feel like my back could go at any time, or something similarly serious.