My happy place.

Regular readers will know that Ulster has a very conservative government that has frustrated the hopes of those advocating for gay marriage, abortion, or intelligent environmental policies.

It's funny I ended up here. I didn't know how conservative Ulster was until I landed here, however I'm not surprised, given the role religion has played in dividing the community. Each tribe holds fast to its prejudices and the bands play on. And on and on, preferably within earshot of Catholics.

In the most recent election, a Unionist candidate (as in supporting the continued union with Great Britain) defeated a nonsectarian progressive in a 19,000 to 17,000 vote. He of course spoke triumphantly of the Unionist cause, as if 17,000 people in Protestant-dominated East Belfast had not just voted against him.

So why am I so happy here? Part of it is I am insulated from sectarianism by dint of living in a neighbourhood that is integrated and appalled by the bully pulpit that is Stormont. But the real reason is more visceral. I love gardening and I love dogs. It seems everyone in Ulster loves to garden--even the most humble terrace house has containers of flowers. And there are dogs everywhere, often off leash. If I'm going to settle anywhere, I want to be somewhere where people care about gardens, animals, and each other. That is how I experience Ulster, and so this is my happy place.

I also get a kick out of little things, like having to bring your own bag when you shop. Otherwise, you will pay for a bag. I love that. And the (government-incented) preference for small cars pleases me no end. I like walking or taking public transport. I love the birdsong in the morning--black birds have the most beautiful song. And I really love our house. My prior two houses were too big and this one feels just right. I like the scale and the arrangement of the rooms. Mowing the lawn takes all of 10 minutes.

Maybe in the fullness of time I can help move Ulster in a progressive direction. In the meantime, I have papers to finish...