Essaying mightily

Funny how essay is a verb and the most dreaded noun in a college student's vocabulary. Here is what I've spent the better part of the past four days working on:

Please write a maximum of 1250 words on this title:
“To what extent is the legitimacy of international law in general, and of international human rights law in particular, undermined by the extent to which the norms in question are based on inadequate conceptions of human rights?"

I expected writing to be the easiest part of the degree, however I didn't anticipate how hard it would be to figure out what I wanted to say about the dozens of readings I've crammed into my brain in the past five weeks. I found I dove into the writing before I took sufficient time to review my notes and come up with a coherent message.

Friday I meet with a tutor to work on footnotes. If anyone who reads this talks to Ellen Weinstein--tell her I miss her!! I have 12 footnotes that I have to format using Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities. This will be as hard as the paper.