Equal Time

I’m adjusting to full-time work. PRI has given me space to just read up on a variety of publications and troll through databases (collaboration platform, Salesforce, Sharepoint--all kinds of toys).
The main impediment to progress is this bundle of fur.

I sat on the edge of this wooden chair to accommodate her for a while. Mostly she walks back and forth in front of my screen. Occasionally stepping on the keyboard.

Or she parks herself on top of papers I need to see. She’s quite the pest, which I chalk up to her not getting the attention she’s used to, due to the arrival of fur baby #2.
When she was looking out the window at the birds, I moved into a comfy chair in the bedroom. She followed me in and insisted on being in my lap.
I’m either with a dog that nips at my hands, feet, hair, etc. or with a cat that needs to get in the way of me doing anything. So funny how disruptive two little creatures can be. They both just want attention.